When you’re out in the wilderness one of the most essential things you need to ensure is access to clean and safe drinking water. Drinking contaminated water can lead to serious health issues so it’s crucial to know how to purify water properly. Here’s a guide on the gear and knowledge you need to purify water for safe consumption in the wild –


There are several methods you can use to purify water in the wild and each requires different gear. Here are some essential items you should have –

  • Water Filter – A portable water filter is a convenient and effective way to purify water. Look for a filter that can remove bacteria protozoa and other contaminants.
  • Water Purification Tablets – These tablets are lightweight and easy to carry. They typically contain chlorine or iodine which can kill harmful bacteria in water.
  • Boiling Pot – Boiling water is one of the simplest and most effective ways to purify it. Make sure you have a pot or container that can withstand high heat.
  • UV Water Purifier – UV water purifiers use ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and viruses in water. They are lightweight and easy to use but they require batteries or a charging source.
  • Canteen or Water Bottle – You’ll need a container to collect and store the purified water.

What Gear and Knowledge Do I Need to Purify Water for Safe Consumption in the Wild?


Having the right gear is important but knowing how to use it properly is essential. Here are some important things to keep in mind when purifying water in the wild –

  • Source Selection – Choose the cleanest water source available. Look for clear flowing water away from human and animal contamination.
  • Filtration – If you’re using a water filter make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Some filters need to be cleaned regularly to maintain their effectiveness.
  • Chemical Purification – When using water purification tablets be sure to follow the recommended dosage and wait time. Improper use can result in ineffective treatment.
  • Boiling – To purify water by boiling bring the water to a rolling boil for at least one minute (or longer at higher elevations). Allow the water to cool before drinking.
  • UV Purification – If using a UV water purifier make sure to fully submerge the device in the water and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for operating time.

What Gear and Knowledge Do I Need to Purify Water for Safe Consumption in the Wild?

Staying hydrated is crucial when you’re in the wild but it’s equally important to ensure that the water you’re drinking is safe. By having the right gear and knowledge you can effectively purify water for safe consumption. Remember to always prioritize your health and well being by being prepared with the necessary tools and information to stay hydrated and healthy in the great outdoors.